For more information or to order in Europe, please call or write:
Zinc Software (UK) Limited
58-60 Beresford Street
London, SE18 6BG United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)81 855 9918
Fax: +44 (0)81 316 7778
BBS: +44 (0)81 317 2310
DOS (Text and Graphics): 124.95 Pounds UK
DOS with Source: 174.95 Pounds UK
DOS and Windows: 249.95 Pounds UK
DOS and Windows with Source: 299.95 Pounds UK
Prices are subject to change without notice.
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General Help...
Welcome to this demonstration of Zinc Interface Library 3.0. The new features and optimizations of Zinc 3.0 allow it to compete directly with Windows-only or DOS-only tools, with the distinct advantage of single source code support for both environments.
This demonstartion program was created with Zinc Interface Library 3.0. Both the Windows and DOS versions were compiled from the same source code (ZINCDEMO.CPP). Both versions also share the same platform-independent resource file (ZINCDEMO.DAT). This file was interactively created with Zinc Designer (included with the product). ZINC3GFX.EXE shows improved performance in DOS Graphics mode using a 3rd party graphics library (GFX from C Source, Inc.)
You may invoke the demo by typing the following:
"WIN ZINCWIN" for Microsoft Windows 3.X
"ZINCDOS" for DOS Graphics Mode,
"ZINCDOS /T" for DOS Text Mode, or
"ZINC3GFX" for DOS Graphics (using GFX)
To evaluate Zinc 3.0 window objects, select the desired object from the menu, tool bar, or list box. Information on the current object will appear in the window in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Press <F1> to see additional information on the object including a sample constructor, if appropriate. (Most Zinc objects have more than one constructor.) You can interact with most the window objects to see how they function (e.g., enter new input information, scroll lists, minimize windows). We encourage you to evaluate this demonstration program in Windows, DOS Graphics and DOS Text modes.
You may freely copy and distribute this demonstration program as long as it is distributed with all original files and copyright information.
COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 Zinc Software Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Press <Alt+F4
String Help...
STRING is used to enter, modify and display single-line alphanumeric string information. Five string flags determine how the string is formatted and edited, including: no formatting, upper-case, lower-case, password and variable name (wh Help...\
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_TEXT = 0x0005; // Text Help...P
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_DATE = 0x0006; // Daere spaces are converted to the underscore character).
Zinc strings allow you to perform edit functions such as mark, cut, copy and paste both within the string itself and among any other edit object (e.g., number, text, date).
You may associate a user function or validation routine by adding the name of the function to the argument list of the constructor (shown below). User functions receive messages from Zinc and can be executed when STRING is selected, becomes current and/or becomes non-current.
Constructor => UIW_STRING(left, top, width, text, maximum length, string flags, window flags, user function)
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Formatted String Help...*
FORMATTED STRING is used to enter, modify and display alphanumeric information in a pre-defined format that you specify (e.g., phone number, serial number, part number).
FORMATTED STRING allows you to perform edit functions such as mark, cut, copy and paste both within the formatted string itself and among any other edit object (e.g., number, text, date).
You may associate a user function or validation routine by adding the name of the function to the argument list of the constructor (shown below). User functions receive messages from Zinc and can be executed when FORMATTED STRING is selected, becomes current and/or becomes non-current.
TEXT is used to enter, modify and display multiple-line text information. It features mark, cut, copy, paste, optional word wrap, home, end, page-up, page-down, word-left, word-right, etc.
You may associate a user function or validation routine by adding the name of the function to the argument list of the constructor (shown below). User functions receive messages from Zinc and can be executed when TEXT is selected, becomes current and/or becomes non-current.
Constructor => UIW_TEXT(left, top, width, height, text, maximum length, text flags, window flags, user function)
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Date Help...y
DATE is used to enter, display and modify country-independent date information. 15 date specific flags determine appropriate display formatting, including: U.S., European, Japanese, military, short (day, month, year), slash, zero fill, uppte Help...P
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_TIME = 0x0007; // Time Help...R
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_BIGNUM = 0x0008; // Number Help...R
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_BUTTON = 0x0009; // Button Heler case and lower case.
DATE examines the country information provided by the operating system to display the appropriate format. For example, the date 12/25/92 will display as 25/12/92 if a European country code is detected.
You may associate a user function or validation routine by adding the name of the function to the argument list of the constructor (shown below). User functions receive messages from Zinc and can be executed when DATE is selected, becomes current and/or becomes non-current.
Constructor => UIW_DATE(left, top, width, date, range, date flags, window flags, user function)
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Time Help...o
TIME is used to enter, modify and display country-independent time information. 13 time specific flags determine the appropriate display formatting, including: colon separator, zero fill, hours, minutes, seconds, 12 Hour, 24 Hour, upper case and lower case.
TIME examines the country information provided by the operating system to display the appropriate format. For example, the time 3:25pm will display as 15:25 if a European country code is detected.
You may associate a user function or validation routine by adding the name of the function to the argument list of the constructor (shown below). User functions receive messages from Zinc and can be executed when TIME is selected, becomes current and/or becomes non-current.
Constructor => UIW_TIME(left, top, width, time, range, time flags, window flags, user function)
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Number Help...9
BIGNUM is used to enter, modify and display country-independent numeric information. BIGNUM has a default maximum value of 30 digits to the left and 8 digits to the right of the decimal. Six number flags determine how the number is displayed, including: currency, credit ( ), commas, decimal (0 to 8 places) and percent.
BIGNUM examines the country information provided by the operating system to display the appropriate format. For example, $100.00 (US) will display as DM100.00 if the German country code is detected.
NOTE: Zinc 3.0 also provides INTEGER and REAL objects for more specific numeric processing.
You may associate a user function or validation routine by adding the name of the function to the argument list of the constructor (shown below). User functions receive messages from Zinc and can be executed when BIGNUM, REAL or INTEGER is selected, becomes current and/or becomes non-current.
Constructor => UIW_BIGNUM(left, top, width, number, list of valid ranges, number flags, window flags, user function)
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Button Help...
BUTTON is a selectable field used to perform run-time operations. You may attach a bitmap to customize the button.
You may associate a user function or validation routine by adding the name of the function to the argument list of the p...X
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_RADIO_BUTTON = 0x000A; // Radio Button Help...U
User functions receive messages from Zinc and can be executed when BUTTON is selected, becomes current and/or becomes non-current.
BUTTON is also used to create Radio Buttons, Buttons with associated bitmaps, and Check Boxes by simply passing a status flag (button flag) in the constructor argument list.
Constructor => UIW_BUTTON(left, top, width, button text, button flags, window flags, user function, programmer assigned value, bitmap name associated with button)
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Radio Button Help...
RADIO BUTTON is a button control that allows only one item in a group to be selected. RADIO BUTTON is a button with the BTF_RADIO_BUTTON button flag used in the argument list.
You may associate a user function or validation routine by adding the name of the function to the argument list of the constructor (shown below). User functions receive messages from Zinc and can be executed when RADIO BUTTON is selected, becomes current and/or becomes non-current.
CHECK BOX is a button control that allows multiple items in a group to be selected.
CHECK BOX is a button with a the BTF_CHECK_BOX button flag used in the argument list.
You may associate a user function or validation routine by adding the name of the function to the argument list of the constructor (shown below). User functions receive messages from Zinc and can be executed when CHECK BOX is selected, becomes current and/or becomes non-current.
HORIZONTAL LIST is used to enter, modify and display related information in row and column format. You can add a scroll bar to horizontally scroll the list. A wide variety of window objects can be placed in HORIZONTAL LIST inclontal List Help...Y
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_VLIST = 0x000D; // Vertical List Help...U
VERTICAL LIST is used to enter, modify and display related information in a vertical list format. You can add a scroll bar to vertically scroll the list. A wide variety of window objects can be placed in VERTICAL LIST including: input fields, icons and buttons.
A compare function may be added in the argument list to sort list elements.
WINDOW is a rectangular region of the display used as the controlling structure for window objects. Zinc supports parent, child, MDI, modal and dialog windows.
PULL DOWN ITEM is used as the first-level selection within a menu system.
You may associate a user function or validation routine by adding the name of the function to the argument list of the constructor (shown below). = 0x0012; // Pull-down Menu Item Help...W
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_POP_UP_MENU = 0x0013; // Pop-up Menu Help...\
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_POP_UP_MENU_ITEM = 0x0014; // Pop-up Menu Item Help...T
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELPUser functions receive messages from Zinc and can be executed when PULL DOWN MENU ITEM is selected, becomes current and/or becomes non-current.
Constructor => UIW_PULL_DOWN_ITEM(text, menu flags, user function, programmer assigned value)
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Pop-up Menu Help...
POP UP MENU is used to organize and control pop-up menu items. POP UP MENUS are also used for cascading menus.
Constructor => UIW_POP_UP_MENU(left, top, menu flags, item)
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Pop-up Menu Item Help...
POP UP MENU ITEM is used to select a specific action from a pop-up menu.
You may associate a user function or validation routine by adding the name of the function to the argument list of the constructor (shown below). User functions receive messages from Zinc and can be executed when POP UP MENU ITEM is selected, becomes current and/or becomes non-current.
Constructor => UIW_POP_UP_ITEM(text, menu flags, user function, programmer assigned value)
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Tool-Bar Help..._
TOOL BAR is a menu control used to group buttons, icons, and input fields. A tool bar can be static or wrapped when re-sizing the window. It can be independent of or used in conjunction with PULL DOWN MENU.
KEYBOARD is used to collect information from the keyboard. It is attached to a list that is maintained by the Event Manager (see Event Manager). The KEYBOARD feeds information to the Event Queue when polled by the Event Manager.
The KEYBOARD is attached to the Event Manager at run-time using the Add member function or the overloaded '+' operator:
// Initialize the event manager and attach the keyboard, mouse and cursor devices.
UI_EVENT_MANAGER *eventManager =
new UI_EVENT_MANAGER(display);
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Mouse Help...
MOUSE is used to collect information from a mouse input device. It is attached to a list which is maintained by Zinc's Event Manager (see Event Manager). The MOUSE feeds input information directly to the Event Queue.
The MOUSE is attached to the Event Manager at run-time using the Add member function or the overloaded '+' operator:
// Initialize the event manager and attach the keyboard, mouse and cursor devices.
UI_EVENT_MANAGER *eventManager =
new UI_EVENT_MANAGER(display);
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Window Manager Help...1
Zinc's Window Manager maintains a list of window objects and controls their positioning and their state (e.g., current, non-current).
Event information (whether received from a polled or interrupt driven device) is placed in aMANAGER = 0x001B; // Window Manager Help...Y
const UI_HELP_Cn event queue and is dispatched to the Window Manager via the application's event loop. The Window Manager forwards event information to the current window object. The window object processes the event or passes it to its parent object (if one exists). This continues until the event is either successfully processed or is discarded.
The sample code below demonstrates how the WINDOW MANAGER is initialized and how window objects (in this case a window with its contents was created in Zinc Designer) are added to the new window:
// Initialize the window manager.
UI_WINDOW_MANAGER *windowManager =
new UI_WINDOW_MANAGER(display, eventManager);
// Read in persistent object resource created in Zinc Designer.
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Event Manager Help...
The backbone of Zinc Interface Library 3.0 is its event-driven architecture. This architecture exploits the power of object-orientation to insulate you from the complexities of the operating environment without restricting your access to environment specific features, like the Microsoft Windows messages or the raw scan codes from the keyboard.
Events are received and processed in a Zinc application with Zinc's Event Manager, Window Manager and Event Mapping. The Event Manager maintains a list of run-time devices. Devices included with the library are the keyboard, mouse, and cursor. You can create additional devices, such as pen-based input or serial communications, by deriving a new device from the UI_DEVICE base class.
All events are stored in the event queue in their raw state. Raw event information when running under DOS is the keyboard scan code or mouse state. Under Microsoft Windows, it is the MS Windows message.
Zinc lets you avoid dealing with raw event information (e.g., F1 key, left mouse click, WM_PAINT message), by logically mapping events at the object level (e.g., L_HELP, L_BEGIN_MARK, S_DISPLAY_ACTIVE). Raw input is mapped to the appropriate logical event for the current object. For example, the left mouse click is mapped to L_BEGIN_SELECT if the current object is the window object, and L_BEGIN_MARK if the current object is the text object. This unique feature of Zinc Interface Library permits you to work with event information in a device and object independent fashion and doesn't require you to know specific information about the device that generated the event or the object that receives the event.
Zinc's powerful Event Mapping technology brings you the benefit of adding new devices, such as pen-based input, to existing applications with minimal effort and impact on your code.
The following code demonstrates how the EVENT MANAGER is initialized and how input devices are attached using the overloaded '+' operator:
// Initialize the event manager and attach input devices.
UI_EVENT_MANAGER *eventManager =
new UI_EVENT_MANAGER(display);
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Screen Display Help...
Zinc's display classes abstract hardware-specific display standards, including: Monochrome, Hercules, CGA, EGA, VGA, Super VGA and Microsoft Windows 3.X. DOS Graphics display classes support Borland, Microsoft and Zortech graphics libraries.
Display classes for third-party graphics libraries can dramatically improve the performance of the DOS Graphics mode. Sample display classes for Genus and MetaGraphics graphics libraries are available on Zinc's BBS and can be downloaded free of charge.
You can create a display class for your own graphics library by deriving from the UI_DISPLAY base class. You can also create a single executable program that supports both DOS Graphics and DOS Text.
UI_MSWINDOWS_DISPLAY: Microsoft Windows Display
UI_BGI_DISPLAY: Borland Graphics Display
UI_FG_DISPLAY: Zortech Flash Graphics Display
UI_MSC_DISPLAY: Microsoft Graphics Display
UI_TEXT_DISPLAY: DOS Text Mode Display
The following code demonstrates how a Zinc DISPLAY CLASS is initialized:
// Initialize MS Windows 3.X display class
UI_DISPLAY *display =
new UI_MSWINDOWS_DISPLAY(instance, hPrevInstance, nCmdShow);
// Initialize DOS display, trying for graphics first.
if (!display->installed)
delete display;
display = new UI_TEXT_DISPLAY;
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Help System Help...
Zinc provides a help system to allow you to create context sensitive help screens for your users. HELP SYSTEM is derived from the UI_HELP_SYSTEM class. You may also derive your own help system from this class.
The following codONTEXT HELP_HELP_SYSTEM = 0x001E; // Help System Help...X
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_ERROR_SYSTEM = 0x001F; // Error System Help...Y
ce demonstrates how a Zinc HELP SYSTEM is initialized:
UI_WINDOW_OBJECT::helpSystem =
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Error System Help...
Zinc provides an error system to allow you to generate error messages for your users. The ERROR SYSTEM is derived from the UI_ERROR_SYSTEM class. You may also derive your own error system from this class.
The following code demonstrates how a Zinc ERROR SYSTEM is initialized:
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Zinc Designer Help...
Zinc 3.0 offers the tightest integration available between an interactive design tool and the supporting class library. Most Windows developers use a resource tool to help create their program interface. Resource tools are language and library independent by design and therefore cannot access all the features of a given class library. This results in a fragmented approach to application development with isolated user functions and non-specific documentation. You are saddled with the not-so-obvious details of integrating your code with both the class library and the resources you create with the resource tool. The seamless integration of Zinc Designer and Zinc 3.0 contrasts sharply with this a la carte approach.
Zinc Designer lets you interactively create your application screens using Zinc objects. You use a mouse to select windows and window objects from the menu or tool bar and place them on the screen. You can easily customize objects with Zinc Designer's interactive editors. For example, create input fields for formatted information such as a part number or phone number. Just double click on the formatted-string object to open the editor. Now you can enter formatting codes, modify the string identifier, attach context-sensitive help and attach a user function. User functions are attached to input objects, controls and menus via their respective editors. (User procedures can be executed when the field is made current, non-current and/or selected.)
After creating your screens you save them to disk in a platform-independent persistent object file with a .DAT extension. You add these resources to your application with one line of code. You can also load resources you create with the Windows version of Zinc Designer into the DOS version and vice versa.
Zinc Designer's complete access to the Zinc class library, straightforward integration of your code and platform-independent, persistent object storage can dramatically enhance your productivity. With Zinc you can focus your efforts on building great applications instead of wasting time trying to integrate your interface tools.
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Persistent Objects Help...V
The PERSISTENT OBJECT technology in Zinc 3.0 dramatically improves your productivity by allowing you to store windows and window objects in a platform-independent data file. Objects that you create and store in one environmenonst UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_PERSISTENT_OBJECTS = 0x0021; // Persistent Objects Help...[
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_CLASS_HIERARCHY = 0x0022; // Class Hierarchy Help...S
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_GENERAL = 0x0023; // t can be retrieved at run-time into any other environment that Zinc supports.
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
Class Hierarchy Help...
- *class UI_FG_DISPLAY
- class UI_DEVICE
- class UID_CURSOR
- class UID_MOUSE
- class UIW_BORDER
- class UIW_BUTTON
- class UIW_TITLE
- class UIW_ICON
- class UIW_PROMPT
- class UIW_STRING
- class UIW_BIGNUM
- class UIW_DATE
- class UIW_REAL
- class UIW_TIME
- *class UIW_WINDOW
- class UIW_GROUP
- class UIW_HZ_LIST
- class UIW_TEXT
- class UIW_TOOL_BAR
- class UIW_VT_LIST
- class UI_BIGNUM
- class UI_DATE
- class UI_TIME
class UI_LIST
- class UI_PATH
- *class UI_FG_DISPLAY
- *class UIW_WINDOW
struct UI_EVENT
struct UI_ITEM
struct UI_KEY
struct UI_REGION
* indicates multiple inheritance
(UI = user interface base class)
(UID = user interface device)
(UIW = user interface window)
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
General Help...=
Zinc Interface Library 3.0
Demonstration Program
Press <F1> for General Help information
You may freely copy and distribute this demonstration program as long as it is distributed with all original files and copyright informatioGeneral Help...R
COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 Zinc Software Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
String Help...
STRING is used to enter, modify and display single-line alphanumeric string information. String flags determine formatting of the string including: no formatting, upper-case, lower-case, password and variable name (where spaces are converted to the underscore character).
NOTE: With the Password flag set, STRING accepts input characters but only displays a generic character (*) to the screen.
Formatted String Help...
FORMATTED STRING is used to enter, modify and display alphanumeric information in a pre-defined format that you specify, such as phone number, serial number or part number.
Text Help...
TEXT is used to enter, modify and display multiple-line text information. It features mark, cut, copy, paste, word wrap, home, end, page-up, page-down, word-left, word-right, etc.
26; // Text Help...P
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_DATE = 0x0027; // Date Help...P
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_TIME = 0x0028; // Time Help...R
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_BIGNUM = 0x0029; // Num
Date Help...
DATE is used to enter, display and modify country-independent date information. 15 date specific flags determine appropriate display formatting, including: U.S., European, Japanese, military, short (day, month, year), slash, zero fill, upper case and lower case.
Time Help...
TIME is used to enter, modify and display time information. 13 time specific flags determine the appropriate display formatting, including: colon separator, zero fill, hours, minutes, seconds, 12 Hour, 24 Hour, upper case and lower case.
Number Help...2
BIGNUM is used to enter, modify and display numeric information. BIGNUM has a default maximum value of 30 digits to the left and 8 digits to the right of the decimal. Six number flags determine how the number is displayed, including: curber Help...R
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_RADIO_BUTTON = 0x002B; // Radio Button Help...U
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_CHECK_BOX = 0x002C; // Crency, credit ( ), commas, decimal (0 to 8 places) and percent.
Button Help...w
BUTTON is a selectable field used to perform run-time operations. You may attach a bitmap to customize the button.
Radio Button Help...
RADIO BUTTON is a button control that allows only one item in a group to be selected. RADIO BUTTON is a button with the BTF_RADIO_BUTTON button flag set in the argument list.
Check Box Help...
CHECK BOX is a button control that allows multiple items in a group to be selected. CHECK BOX is a button with the BTF_CHECK_BOX button flag set in the argument list.
heck Box Help...[
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_HLIST = 0x002D; // Horizontal List Help...Y
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_VLIST = 0x002E; // Vertical List Help...U
Horizontal List Help...
HORIZONTAL LIST is used to enter, modify and display related information in row and column format. You can add a scroll bar to horizontally scroll the list. A wide variety of window objects can be placed in HORIZONTAL LIST, including input fields, icons and controls.
Vertical List Help...
VERTICAL LIST is used to enter, modify and display related information in a vertical list format. You can add a scroll bar to vertically scroll the list. A wide variety of window objects can be placed in VERTICAL LIST, including: input fields, icons and controls.
Combo-Box Help...v
COMBO BOX is a combination input field and vertical list. COMBO BOX can contain input fields, icons and buttons.
SCROLL BAR is a selectable region used to scroll the displayed portion of a window, list box or text input field.
Window Help...
WINDOW is a rectangular region of the display used as the controlling structure for window objects. Zinc supports parent, child, MDI and dialog windows.
Pull-down Menu Help...
NOTE: MS Windows does not allow a pull-down menu in a child window. However, this feature IS demonstrated in the DOS version.
PULL DOWN MENU is used to organize and control pull-down menu items (PULL DOWN ITEMS).
= 0x0032; // Pull-down Menu Help...W
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_POP_UP_MENU = 0x0033; // Pop-up Menu Help...\
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_POP_UP_MENU_ITEM = 0x0034; // Pop-up Menu Item Help...T
Pop-up Menu Help...
NOTE: MS Windows does not allow a pull-down menu in a child window. However, PULL DOWN MENU with a cascading POP UP MENU is demonstrated in the DOS version.
POP UP MENU is used to organize and control pop-up menu items. POP UP MENUS are used for cascading menus.
Pop-up Menu Item Help...M
POP UP MENU ITEM is used to select a specific action from a pop-up menu.
Tool-Bar Help...
TOOL BAR is a menu control used to group buttons, icons, and input fields. A tool bar can be static or wrapped when re-sizing the window. It can be independent of or used in conjunction with PULL DOWN MENU.
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_GROUP = 0x0037; // Group Help...P
Prompt Help...~
PROMPT is a static control that is used to provide the user with information regarding input fields and program activity.
Group Help...S
GROUP is a static control that is used to group radio buttons and check boxes.
Icon Help...
ICON is a static control used to present information, usually associated with a button, in bitmapped form. Icons may be used to select a user-defined action.
KEYBOARD is used to collect raw scan code information from the keyboard. It is attached to a list that is maintained by the Event Manager (see Event Manager). The KEYBOARD feeds information to the Event Queue when polled by the Event Manager.
Mouse Help...
MOUSE is used to collect raw scan code information from a mouse input device. It is attached to a list which is maintained by Zinc's Event Manager (see Event Manager). The MOUSE feeds input information directly to the Event Queue.
Window Manager Help...
Zinc's WINDOW MANAGER maintains a list of window objects and controls their positioning and their state (e.g., current, non-current). The WINDOW MANAGER forwards event information to the current window object.
Events are received and processed in a Zinc application with Zinc's Event Manager, Window Manager and Event Mapping. The Event Manager maintains a list of run-time devices such as the keyboard, mouse, and cursor. Programmer defined devices may also be added to the Event Manager.
Screen Display Help...[
Zinc's display classes abstract hardware-specific display standards, including: Monochrome, Hercules, CGA, EGA, VGA, Super VGA and Microsoft Windows 3.X. DOS Graphics display classes support Borland, Microsoft and Zortech graphics libraries.
Display classes for third-party graphics libraries can significantly improve the performance of the DOS Graphics mode. Sample display classes for Genus and MetaGraphics graphics libraries are available on Zinc's BBS and can be downloaded free of charge.
You can also create a single executable program that supports both DOS Graphics and DOS Text.
Help System Help...
Zinc provides a help system to allow you to create context sensitive help screens for your users. HELP SYSTEM is derived from the UI_HELP_SYSTEM class. You may also derive your own help system from this class.
INFO_HELP_SYSTEM = 0x003E; // Help System Help...X
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_ERROR_SYSTEM = 0x003F; // Error System Help...X
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INFO_FONT_SUPPORT = 0x0040; // Font Support Help...X
Error System Help...
Zinc provides an error system to allow you to generate error messages for your users. ERROR SYSTEM is derived from the UI_ERROR_SYSTEM class. You may also derive your own error system from this class.
Font Support Help...
Zinc allows multiple font support in Windows and DOS Graphics modes. The three fonts above are provided with Zinc, but you may define more fonts if needed.
Font Support Help...
Zinc allows multiple font support in Windows and DOS Graphics mode. The three fonts above are provided with Zinc, but you may define more fonts if needed.
Press <Alt+F4> to continue...
_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_FONT_SUPPORT = 0x0041; // Font Support Help...